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2020/4/28 16:47:20发布284次查看
after 150 years of innovation and improvement, neugerman piano completelyforms its unique and the world’s top technique in acoustic quality andkey-touching feeling. the key parts of germany-made abel and ffw hammers aremake of wool and woolen felt, roslau string and hand-made copper bass string,all these special designs are to make sure tones stability and keep the bestsound quality permanent.
strunz作为目前很好的音板,特别设计六根上等云杉实木构造的背柱,稳固的保护音板,在精准的位置上使其充分振动。能达到共鸣箱共振音响的效果。 直接取材优质白松木做琴键,采用名贵实木做黑键。感观高雅,耐用防腐,吸汗手感更舒适。精准的弦轴钉以数控打孔方式,确保了每一处尺寸的准确无误。
stunz as currently the best soundboard, the special design of sixhigh-end spruce as back of piano housing to firmly support soundboard, and makesure sound vibrating in accurate position.
high-end pine xylophone keys and precious ebony black keys are anti-corrosionand anti-slip, and the keys are all made of natural wood, so they are much moredurable and more suitable for long-term playing.
每一台诺英德曼钢琴在出厂之前都经过了八次以上调音,三次以上精细整音,确保音准更稳定,特别设计的加铅技术,使其触键感更灵活,更舒适。 并利用先进的独特工艺制琴技术加以改良。保证了诺英德曼钢琴中音区饱满圆润,高音区清脆明亮,低音区纯美厚实。
every neugerman piano has gone through tone tuning for over eight timesand precise tone equalizing for over three times before delivery out of thefactory, to guarantee stable intonation. special the design of lead-addedtechnique makes the key-touching feeling more flexible and comfortable. besides,it adopts advanced and unique piano-making technique for improvement to reachnergerman piano’s sound more mellowed in alto part, more clearn and bright inhigh pitch part, and more pure and solid in low pitch part.
the neugerman piano making technique and tone quality prove german piano-makingmasters’ the high techniques and interpret the top piano-making technicalstandards. neugerman adopts the woods which have gone through modern andprecision treatment, to make sure the best stability of the tones; and the woodcomponents are all gone through professional immersion, natural drying andfumigating treatments, so neugerman pianos can keeps extra stability inchanging temperature and environment and that’s why each neugerman piano isartistic product! 



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